Why Choose Center Street?

There is a great deal of trust involved in administering medications to those in long-term care scenarios. Patients may have difficulty reading or remembering dosing schedules. They may be unable to swallow hard pills or capsules. They may take other medications or have other conditions that interfere with certain pharmaceuticals. It’s a lot for any long term care facility or home health care agency to manage on their own.

As a licensed and approved Long Term Care Pharmacy in North Carolina by the State Board of Pharmacy, Center Street provides the advanced support that facilities and providers need to care for their patients without unnecessary delays and repeated trips to the pharmacy. We also make it easier to accommodate changes in patient care, location, and other needs with less hassle and minimized disruption. The result is a complete continuum of care that ensures people have access to the medications and therapies they need every single time they need them.

*The estimated number of medications per resident per day comes from a report prepared by The Lewin Group for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. A review of current data suggests that higher patient acuity means the average number of medications dispensed per resident per day has increased from 10 to 12.

Center Street provides the advanced support that facilities and providers need to care for their patients without unnecessary delays and improved patient satisfaction.